Stay up to date with coming attractions sponsored by Scituate Cultural Council. From art exhibitions to musical performances, from history to heritage, there's always something happening!
Ongoing for 2024-2025
- Talk Information Center/TIC radio and podcast players perform live radio theater. Download the TIC app to experience their programming.
Holidays 2024
- Community and family event on 12/4 with Holly Hill Farm and Mashpee Wampanoag members to educate children and adults on Native American culture and lifeways.
- Chorale Arts Society of the South Shore held their "Magnificat, A Celtic Christmas" holiday concerts in Hingham on Dec 7th and Scituate on Dec 8th.
- The Broad Cove Chorale - Unicorn Singers of Hingham presented its 2024-25 concert season to audiences of all ages with holiday concerts of Christmas Carols and spring concerts "Illuminations". On April 12-13 in Norwell
- Spotlight Music Academy "Holiday Spectacular" on Dec 14 at Scituate Performing Art Center (SHS).
Winter 2025
- "Lasting Impressions of Coastal Printmakers" at the James Library in Norwell. From 12/6 - 1/18.
- "WaterWatch" lecture series by the North and South Rivers Watershed Association. In-person and virtual presentations from Jan to Mar. Visit for more details.
- Sister City/France: Art field trip to Gardner Museum with Seniors Center, Jan 13. "Art for the Mind" program with Gates Middle School, Apr 10. French cooking class with Seniors Center, March TBD
- Mass Audubon South East Region presents "Nature and Art for Families" monthly from Jan to May.
- Scituate Council on Aging presents "Oh, The Places You'll Go" virtual world tours.
- Scituate Housing Auth presents Hip Hop chair dance for seniors. Feb TBD.
- James Library presents "Adventures of Benjamin Franklin" by JT Turner. Feb 16.
- Scituate Arts Assoc presents "Sailors Valentine workshop". Feb 23
Spring 2025
- "The Inspired I" arts apprenticeship and show, with South Shore Arts Center. From March - May, with public installation at South Shore Arts Festival on June 13-15.
- Evan Murphy Bluegrass Band, at James Library in Norwell. March 22, 7:30pm
- Pilgrim Festival Chorus with SHS Select Choir dress rehearsal on Mar 31 and concert on Apr 5. At Scituate Performing Arts Center.
- "Wonderful Whales" interdisciplinary program covers art, literacy, and science with local humpback whales, hosted by Scituate Library with Amy Estes and Anne Smrcina. April TBD
- Field trip to Symphony Hall for Gates Middle School in April.
- International jazz vocalist Lori Williams, at James Library in Norwell. April 5, 7:30pm
- Old Ship Candlelight Concert on Apr 13, at Old Ship Church in Hingham.
- "Japanese Folk Tales and Origami for Families" by Motoko Dworkin. At Scituate Town Library, May 10.
- North River Arts Society "Festival of the Arts", Marshfield. May 23-25.
Summer 2025
- "From the Mayflower to Scituate: the Story of Resolved White and Judith Vassal White", a documentary play by Bridgewater State director, producer and playwright Lisa Rafferty. GAR Hall, Scituate. June TBD
- From May until September 2024, Satuit Summer Concert Band performs sixteen concerts with locations in Scituate, Hull, Hingham, Rockland, Quincy, Marshfield and Duxbury.
- Scituate Library Summer Concert series. Wednesday eves in July on the lawn of the Scituate Library
- The Scituate Sister City Santa Catarina do Fogo, Cape Verde Committee will host the third annual Cape Verde 49th Independence Day Celebration, July - Sept. This important occasion commemorates the rich history, culture, and recognizes the contributions of Cape Verdeans who have made Scituate their home for generations.
- Scituate Housing Auth "SeptemberFest", Sept 24.